
Why Was Memorial Day Initially Called Decoration Day?

U.S. federal holiday

Memorial Twenty-four hour period
Graves at Arlington on Memorial Day.JPG

The gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery are decorated past U.S. flags on Memorial Day weekend in 2008.

Official name Memorial Twenty-four hour period
Observed by Americans
Blazon Federal
Observances U.S. military personnel that passed away in service
Date Last Mon in May
2021 date May 31  (2021-05-31)
2022 date May 30  (2022-05-thirty)
2023 date May 29  (2023-05-29)
2024 date May 27  (2024-05-27)
Frequency Annual

Memorial 24-hour interval (originally known as Ornament Twenty-four hour period [1]) is a federal holiday in the United States for mourning the U.Southward. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces.[2] It is observed on the concluding Mon of May. It was formerly observed on May 30 from 1868 to 1970.[three]

Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day to accolade and mourn those who died while serving in the U.Due south. military. Many volunteers place an American flag on graves of military personnel in national cemeteries. Memorial Day is also considered the unofficial get-go of summertime in the United States.[iv]

Many cities and people have claimed to have first historic the event. In 1868, General John A. Logan of the Chiliad Ground forces of the Democracy called for a "Decoration Day", which was widely celebrated. By 1890, every Northern state had adopted information technology as a holiday. The Earth Wars turned it into a generalized day of remembrance, instead of simply for the Ceremonious War. In 1971, Congress standardized the holiday as "Memorial Mean solar day" and changed its observance to the last Mon in May.

Two other days celebrate those who take served or are serving in the U.S. military: Armed Forces 24-hour interval (which is earlier in May), an unofficial U.S. holiday for honoring those currently serving in the armed forces, and Veterans Day (on November 11), which honors those who have served in the United States Armed Forces.[5]

Claimed origins [edit]

The history of Memorial Day in the United States is complex. The U.S. Department of Veterans' Diplomacy recognizes that approximately 25 places claim to have originated the vacation.[6] At Columbus [Georgia] Land University in that location is a Centre for Memorial Mean solar day Research,[ citation needed ] and the University of Mississippi incorporates a Center for Ceremonious War Enquiry that has as well led inquiry into Memorial Day's origins.[7] The do of decorating soldiers' graves with flowers is an ancient custom.[8] Soldiers' graves were busy in the U.Southward. earlier[nine] and during the American Civil War. Many of the origination claims are myths, unsupported by evidence, while others are one-time cemetery dedications or funeral tributes. In 2014, one scholarly endeavour attempted to divide the myths and one-time events from the activities that really led to the establishment of the federal vacation.[10]

Precedents in the South [edit]

According to the United States Library of Congress website, "Southern women decorated the graves of soldiers even before the Ceremonious War's end. Records bear witness that by 1865, Mississippi, Virginia, and South Carolina all had precedents for Memorial Twenty-four hour period."[11] The primeval Southern Memorial 24-hour interval celebrations were simple, somber occasions for veterans and their families to honor the dead and tend to local cemeteries.[12] In following years, the Ladies' Memorial Association and other groups increasingly focused rituals on preserving Confederate Civilisation and the Lost Cause of the Confederacy narrative.[13]

Warrenton, Virginia [edit]

On June 3, 1861, Warrenton, Virginia, was the location of the first Civil War soldier'due south grave e'er to be decorated, according to a Richmond Times-Acceleration newspaper article in 1906.[14] This ornamentation was for the funeral of the offset soldier killed in action during the Ceremonious War, John Quincy Marr, who died on June 1, 1861, during a skirmish at Battle of Fairfax Courthouse in Virginia.[xv]

Savannah, Georgia [edit]

In July 1862, women in Savannah, Georgia, decorated the graves at Laurel Grove Cemetery of Colonel Francis S. Bartow and his comrades who died at Boxing of Manassas (First Battle of Bull Run) the twelvemonth before.[16]

Jackson, Mississippi [edit]

On Apr 26, 1865, in Jackson, Mississippi, Sue Landon Vaughan supposedly busy the graves of Confederate and Union soldiers. Yet, the earliest recorded reference to this outcome did not announced until many years afterwards.[x] Regardless, mention of the observance is inscribed on the southeast console of the Confederate Monument in Jackson, erected in 1891.[17]

Charleston, Southward Carolina [edit]

On May 1, 1865, in Charleston, Southward Carolina, recently freed African-Americans held a parade of 10,000 people to honor 257 expressionless Union soldiers, whose remains they had reburied from a mass grave in a Confederate prison camp.[eighteen] Historian David Due west. Blight cites gimmicky news reports of this incident in the Charleston Daily Courier and the New-York Tribune. Although Bane claimed that "African Americans invented Memorial Day in Charleston, South Carolina",[19] in 2012, he stated in the New York Times article that he "has no show" that the event in Charleston effectively led to General Logan's call for the national holiday. Blight said, "I'chiliad much more than interested in the pregnant that'southward being conveyed in that incredible ritual than who's outset."[20]

A pamphlet in honor of Memorial Day

85th Ceremony of Memorial Twenty-four hours

Columbus, Georgia [edit]

The U.s. National Park Service[21] and numerous scholars attribute the commencement of a Memorial Mean solar day exercise in the Due south to a group of women of Columbus, Georgia.[x] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] The women were the Ladies Memorial Association of Columbus. They were represented past Mary Ann Williams (Mrs. Charles J. Williams) who, as Secretary, wrote a letter of the alphabet to printing in March 1866 asking their assistance in establishing annual holiday to decorate the graves of soldiers throughout the south.[28] The letter was reprinted in several southern states and the plans were noted in newspapers in the n. The appointment of April 26 was chosen. The holiday was observed in Atlanta, Augusta, Macon, Columbus and elsewhere in Georgia also as Montgomery, Alabama; Memphis, Tennessee; Louisville, Kentucky; New Orleans, Louisiana; Jackson, Mississippi, and across the south.[10] In some cities, mostly in Virginia, other dates in May and June were observed. Full general John A. Logan commented on the observances in a speech to veterans on July iv, 1866, in Salem, Illinois.[29] Later General Logan'south General Order No. 11 to the Grand Army of the Democracy to observe May 30, 1868, the earlier version of the holiday began to be referred to every bit Confederate Memorial Twenty-four hours.[10]

Columbus, Mississippi [edit]

A year afterwards the war's end, in April 1866, iv women of Columbus gathered together to decorate the graves of the Amalgamated soldiers. They also felt moved to honor the Union soldiers buried there, and to note the grief of their families, past decorating their graves every bit well. The story of their gesture of humanity and reconciliation is held by some writers as the inspiration of the original Memorial Solar day despite its occurring last among the claimed inspirations.[30] [31] [32] [33]

Precedents in the Northward [edit]

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [edit]

The 1863 cemetery dedication at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, included a ceremony of commemoration at the graves of expressionless soldiers. Some have therefore claimed that President Abraham Lincoln was the founder of Memorial Day.[34] However, Chicago journalist Lloyd Lewis tried to make the instance that it was Lincoln's funeral that spurred the soldiers' grave decorating that followed.[35]

Boalsburg, Pennsylvania [edit]

On July 4, 1864, ladies decorated soldiers' graves according to local historians in Boalsburg, Pennsylvania.[36] Boalsburg promotes itself as the birthplace of Memorial Day.[37] Yet, no reference to this result existed until the press of the History of the 148th Pennsylvania Volunteers in 1904.[38] In a footnote to a story about her brother, Mrs. Sophie (Keller) Hall described how she and Emma Hunter busy the grave of Emma'due south begetter, Reuben Hunter. The original story did not business relationship for Reuben Hunter'southward death occurring two months later on September nineteen, 1864. It also did not mention Mrs. Elizabeth Myers as one of the original participants. However, a statuary statue of all three women gazing upon Reuben Hunter's grave now stands near the entrance to the Boalsburg Cemetery. Although July 4, 1864, was a Monday, the town now claims that the original decoration was on one of the Sundays in Oct 1864.[39]

National Decoration Day [edit]

Full general John A. Logan, who in 1868 issued a proclamation calling for "Decoration Day"

Orphans placing flags at their fathers' graves in Glenwood Cemetery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Ornament Day

On May 5, 1868, Full general John A. Logan issued a proclamation calling for "Ornament Twenty-four hours" to exist observed annually and nationwide; he was commander-in-primary of the 1000 Regular army of the Republic (GAR), an organization of and for Union Civil War veterans founded in Decatur, Illinois.[40] With his declaration, Logan adopted the Memorial Twenty-four hour period practice that had begun in the Southern states three years earlier.[x] [41] [42] [43] [28] [44] [45] The northern states apace adopted the holiday. In 1868, memorial events were held in 183 cemeteries in 27 states, and 336 in 1869.[46] One author claims that the date was chosen considering information technology was not the anniversary of any detail boxing.[47] According to a White House address in 2010, the appointment was chosen equally the optimal date for flowers to be in blossom in the North.[48]

Michigan country holiday [edit]

In 1871, Michigan made Decoration Day an official state holiday and by 1890, every northern state had followed suit. There was no standard program for the ceremonies, just they were typically sponsored by the Women's Relief Corps, the women's auxiliary of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), which had 100,000 members. By 1870, the remains of nearly 300,000 Union dead had been reinterred in 73 national cemeteries, located near major battlefields and thus mainly in the S. The most famous are Gettysburg National Cemetery in Pennsylvania and Arlington National Cemetery, about Washington, :D.C.[49]

Waterloo, New York proclamation [edit]

On May 26, 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson designated an "official" birthplace of the holiday by signing the presidential annunciation naming Waterloo, New York, as the holder of the title. This action followed House Concurrent Resolution 587, in which the 89th Congress had officially recognized that the patriotic tradition of observing Memorial 24-hour interval had begun one hundred years prior in Waterloo, New York.[50] The village credits druggist Henry C. Welles and canton clerk John B. Murray as the founders of the vacation.[ citation needed ] The legitimacy of this claim has been chosen into question by several scholars.[51]

Early national history [edit]

In Apr 1865, following Lincoln's assassination, commemorations were widespread. The more than 600,000 soldiers of both sides who died in the Civil War meant that burial and memorialization took on new cultural significance. Under the leadership of women during the state of war, an increasingly formal practice of decorating graves had taken shape. In 1865, the federal government as well began creating the United states National Cemetery System for the Union state of war dead.[52]

By the 1880s, ceremonies were becoming more consistent across geography equally the GAR provided handbooks that presented specific procedures, poems, and Bible verses for local post commanders to utilise in planning the local consequence. Historian Stuart McConnell reports:[53]

on the day itself, the post assembled and marched to the local cemetery to decorate the graves of the fallen, an enterprise meticulously organized months in advance to assure that none were missed. Finally came a simple and subdued graveyard service involving prayers, short patriotic speeches, and music … and at the end possibly a rifle salute.

Relationship to Confederate Memorial Day [edit]

In 1868, some Southern public figures began adding the characterization "Confederate" to their commemorations and claimed that Northerners had appropriated the holiday.[54] [21] [55] The first official celebration of Amalgamated Memorial Twenty-four hour period every bit a public vacation occurred in 1874, following a proclamation by the Georgia legislature.[56] By 1916, ten states historic it, on June 3, the altogether of CSA President Jefferson Davis.[56] Other states chose late Apr dates, or May 10, commemorating Davis' capture.[56]

The Ladies' Memorial Association played a key role in using Memorial 24-hour interval rituals to preserve Confederate culture.[thirteen] Various dates ranging from April 25 to mid-June were adopted in different Southern states. Across the South, associations were founded, many past women, to establish and care for permanent cemeteries for the Confederate expressionless, organize commemorative ceremonies, and sponsor appropriate monuments as a permanent way of remembering the Confederate dead. The virtually important of these was the United Daughters of the Confederacy, which grew from 17,000 members in 1900 to about 100,000 women past World State of war I. They were "strikingly successful at raising coin to build Confederate monuments, lobbying legislatures and Congress for the reburial of Confederate expressionless, and working to shape the content of history textbooks."[57]

By 1890, in that location was a shift from the emphasis on honoring specific soldiers to a public commemoration of the Confederate South.[12] Changes in the ceremony's hymns and speeches reflect an evolution of the ritual into a symbol of cultural renewal and conservatism in the South. Past 1913, David Blight argues, the theme of American nationalism shared equal time with the Amalgamated.[58]

Renaming [edit]

By the 20th century, various Union memorial traditions, historic on different days, merged, and Memorial Solar day eventually extended to honor all Americans who died while in the U.S. war machine service.[2] Indiana from the 1860s to the 1920s saw numerous debates on how to expand the celebration. It was a favorite lobbying action of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR). An 1884 GAR handbook explained that Memorial Mean solar day was "the twenty-four hours of all days in the K.A.R. Calendar" in terms of mobilizing public support for pensions. It brash family members to "practise groovy care" in keeping the veterans sober.[59]

"On Ornament Day" Political cartoon c. 1900 by John T. McCutcheon. Explanation: "Yous bet I'm goin' to exist a soldier, likewise, similar my Uncle David, when I grow up."

Memorial Day speeches became an occasion for veterans, politicians, and ministers to commemorate the Civil State of war and, at offset, to rehash the "atrocities" of the enemy. They mixed religion and celebratory nationalism for the people to brand sense of their history in terms of sacrifice for a better nation. People of all religious beliefs joined together and the point was often made that High german and Irish gaelic soldiers – ethnic minorities which faced discrimination in the U.s. – had get true Americans in the "baptism of blood" on the battlefield.[60]

In the national capital in 1913 the iv-day "Blue-Greyness Reunion" featured parades, re-enactments, and speeches from a host of dignitaries, including President Woodrow Wilson, the kickoff Southerner elected to the White House since the War. James Heflin of Alabama gave the chief address. Heflin was a noted orator; his selection every bit Memorial Day speaker was criticized, as he was opposed for his support of segregation; nevertheless, his speech was moderate in tone and stressed national unity and goodwill, gaining him praise from newspapers.[61]

The name "Memorial 24-hour interval", which was offset attested in 1882, gradually became more mutual than "Decoration Day" after Globe War Ii[62] but was not alleged the official proper name by federal police force until 1967.[63] On June 28, 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Mon Vacation Act, which moved iv holidays, including Memorial Day, from their traditional dates to a specified Mon in order to create a convenient three-day weekend.[64] The modify moved Memorial Mean solar day from its traditional May 30 appointment to the final Monday in May. The law took outcome at the federal level in 1971.[64] Afterward some initial confusion and unwillingness to comply, all 50 states adopted Congress'due south change of appointment within a few years.[ commendation needed ]

Past the early 20th century, the GAR complained more and more than about the younger generation.[ commendation needed ] In 1913, one Indiana veteran complained that younger people born since the war had a "tendency ... to forget the purpose of Memorial Day and arrive a day for games, races, and revelry, instead of a day of memory and tears".[65] Indeed, in 1911 the scheduling of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway motorcar race (afterward named the Indianapolis 500) was vehemently opposed by the increasingly elderly GAR. The state legislature in 1923 rejected holding the race on the holiday. Merely the new American Legion and local officials wanted the big race to proceed, so Governor Warren McCray vetoed the nib and the race went on.[66]

Civil religious holiday [edit]

Memorial 24-hour interval endures every bit a holiday which virtually businesses observe because it marks the unofficial beginning of summer. The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and Sons of Wedlock Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW) advocated returning to the original date. The VFW stated in 2002:[67]

Irresolute the date merely to create three-day weekends has undermined the very meaning of the 24-hour interval. No doubt, this has contributed a lot to the general public's nonchalant observance of Memorial Mean solar day.

In 2000, Congress passed the National Moment of Remembrance Human action, request people to finish and remember at iii:00 pm.[68]

On Memorial Twenty-four hour period, the flag of the United States is raised briskly to the top of the staff and and then solemnly lowered to the half-staff position, where information technology remains only until noon.[69] It is then raised to full-staff for the balance of the 24-hour interval.[70]

Memorial Day observances in small New England towns are often marked by dedications and remarks by veterans and politicians.

The National Memorial Day Concert takes identify on the west lawn of the United States Capitol.[71] The concert is circulate on PBS and NPR. Music is performed, and respect is paid to the people who gave their lives for their state.[ citation needed ]

Across the United States, the cardinal effect is attention 1 of the thousands of parades held on Memorial Day in large and small cities. Near of these feature marching bands and an overall military theme with the Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, and Veteran service members participating along with armed forces vehicles from various wars.[ citation needed ]

Scholars,[72] [73] [74] [75] following the atomic number 82 of sociologist Robert Bellah, often make the argument that the Usa has a secular "ceremonious organized religion" – one with no clan with whatever religious denomination or viewpoint – that has incorporated Memorial Day as a sacred issue. With the Ceremonious State of war, a new theme of expiry, sacrifice, and rebirth enters the civil religion. Memorial Day gave ritual expression to these themes, integrating the local community into a sense of nationalism. The American ceremonious religion, in contrast to that of France, was never anticlerical or militantly secular; in contrast to Great britain, it was not tied to a specific denomination, such as the Church of England. The Americans borrowed from different religious traditions so that the average American saw no disharmonize between the two, and deep levels of personal motivation were aligned with attaining national goals.[76]

Longest observance [edit]

Since 1868 Doylestown, Pennsylvania, has held annual Memorial Twenty-four hour period parades which it claims to be the nation's oldest continuously running. Grafton, W Virginia, has as well had an ongoing parade since 1867. However, the Memorial Twenty-four hours parade in Rochester, Wisconsin, predates Doylestown'south by one year.[77] [78]

Poppies [edit]

In 1915, following the 2d Boxing of Ypres, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, a medico with the Canadian Expeditionary Strength, wrote the poem, "In Flanders Fields". Its opening lines refer to the fields of poppies that grew among the soldiers' graves in Flanders.[79]

In 1918, inspired by the poem, YWCA worker Moina Michael attended a YWCA Overseas State of war Secretaries' conference wearing a silk poppy pinned to her coat and distributed over ii dozen more to others present. In 1920, the National American Legion adopted it as its official symbol of remembrance.[fourscore]

Observance dates (1971–2031) [edit]

Yr Memorial Twenty-four hour period
1971 1976 1982 1993 1999 2004 2010 2021 2027 May 31 (week 22)
1977 1983 1988 1994 2005 2011 2016 2022 May 30 (week 22)
1972 1978 1989 1995 2000 2006 2017 2023 2028 May 29 (week 22)
1973 1979 1984 1990 2001 2007 2012 2018 2029 May 28 (week 22)
1974 1985 1991 1996 2002 2013 2019 2024 2030 May 27 (common yr calendar week 21, leap yr calendar week 22)
1975 1980 1986 1997 2003 2008 2014 2025 2031 May 26 (week 21)
1981 1987 1992 1998 2009 2015 2020 2026 May 25 (week 21)


Ornament Day (Appalachia and Liberia) [edit]

Ornament Days in Southern Appalachia and Liberia are an unbroken tradition which arose by the 19th century. Ornamentation practices are localized and unique to individual families, cemeteries, and communities, but common elements that unify the various Decoration 24-hour interval practices are thought to represent syncretism of predominantly Christian cultures in 19th century Southern Appalachia with pre-Christian influences from Scotland, Ireland, and African cultures. Appalachian and Liberian cemetery decoration traditions are thought to have more in common with one another than with United States Memorial Day traditions which are focused on honoring the military dead.[81] Appalachian and Liberian cemetery ornamentation traditions pre-date the United States Memorial Day holiday.[82]

In the United States, cemetery ornament practices have been recorded in the Appalachian regions of West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, northern Southward Carolina, northern Georgia, northern and central Alabama, and northern Mississippi. Appalachian cemetery ornamentation has likewise been observed in areas outside Appalachia along routes of west migration from that region: northern Louisiana, northeastern Texas, Arkansas, eastern Oklahoma, and southern Missouri.[ commendation needed ]

Co-ordinate to scholars Alan and Karen Jabbour, "the geographic spread ... from the Smokies to northeastern Texas and Liberia, offer strong bear witness that the southern Decoration Day originated well dorsum in the nineteenth century. The presence of the same cultural tradition throughout the Upland South argues for the age of the tradition, which was carried westward (and due east to Africa) by nineteenth-century migration and has survived in essentially the aforementioned grade till the present."[forty]

While these customs may accept inspired in part rituals to honor military dead like Memorial Twenty-four hour period, numerous differences exist between Decoration Day community and Memorial Twenty-four hour period, including that the appointment is prepare differently by each family or church for each cemetery to coordinate the maintenance, social, and spiritual aspects of decoration.[81] [83] [84]

In film, literature, and music [edit]

Films [edit]

  • In Memorial Day, a 2012 war pic starring James Cromwell, Jonathan Bennett, and John Cromwell, a graphic symbol recalls and relives memories of World State of war Two.

Music [edit]

  • Charles Ives'southward symphonic 1912 poem Decoration Solar day depicts the vacation as he experienced it in his childhood, with his father'southward ring leading the way to the town cemetery, the playing of "Taps" on a trumpet, and a livelier march melody on the way back to the boondocks. It is oft played with three other Ives works based on holidays, equally the second motility of A Symphony: New England Holidays.[ citation needed ]
  • American rock band Drive-By Truckers released a Jason Isbell–penned song titled "Decoration Solar day" on their 2003 anthology of the same title.

Poetry [edit]

Poems commemorating Memorial Day include:

  • Francis G. Finch'due south "The Blue and the Gray" (1867)[85]
  • Michael Anania's "Memorial Mean solar day" (1994)[86]
  • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "Ornament Day" (1882)[87]
  • Joyce Kilmer's "Memorial Day"[ citation needed ]

Come across too [edit]

U.s. [edit]

  • Remembrance Day at the Gettysburg Battlefield, an almanac honoring of Ceremonious War expressionless held most the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address
  • A Dandy Jubilee Day, get-go held the last Mon in May 1783 (American Revolutionary War)
  • Armed Forces Day, third Saturday in May, a more than narrowly observed remembrance honoring those currently serving in the U.S. military
  • Armistice Day, Nov xi, the original name of Veterans Day in the The states
  • Confederate Memorial Mean solar day, observed on various dates in many states in the South in memory of those killed fighting for the Confederacy during the American Civil War
  • Memorial 24-hour interval massacre of 1937, May xxx, held to remember demonstrators shot by police force in Chicago
  • Nora Fontaine Davidson, credited with the first Memorial Mean solar day ceremony in Petersburg, Virginia
  • Patriot Day, September 11, in memory of people killed in the September eleven, 2001 attacks
  • The states military casualties of war
  • Veterans Day, November 11, in retentivity of American military machine deaths during World War I. See Remembrance Day for similar observances in Canada, the United Kingdom, and other Commonwealth nations.

Other countries [edit]

  • ANZAC Mean solar day, Apr 25, an coordinating observance in Commonwealth of australia and New Zealand
  • Armistice Day, November 11, the original proper noun of Veterans Day in the The states and Remembrance Mean solar day in Canada, the United Kingdom, and other Commonwealth nations
  • Heroes' Day, various dates in various countries recognizing national heroes
  • International 24-hour interval of United Nations Peacekeepers, May 29, international observance recognizing Un peacekeepers
  • Remembrance Day, November eleven, a similar observance in Canada, the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, and many other Commonwealth nations originally marking the cease of World War I
  • Remembrance of the Dead ("Dodenherdenking"), May 4, a like observance in kingdom of the netherlands
  • Volkstrauertag ("People's Mourning Day"), a similar observance in Germany usually in Nov
  • Yom Hazikaron (Israeli memorial day), the 24-hour interval before Independence Day (Israel), around Iyar 4
  • Ornament Mean solar day (Canada), a Canadian holiday that recognizes veterans of Canada's military which has largely been eclipsed by the like Remembrance Mean solar day
  • Memorial Day (South korea), June 6, the day to commemorate the men and women who died while in military service during the Korean War and other significant wars or battles
  • Victoria Day, a Canadian holiday on the last Monday before May 25 each year, lacks the armed forces memorial aspects of Memorial Day but serves a similar function as marking the start of cultural summer

References [edit]

  1. ^ "Memorial Mean solar day".
  2. ^ a b "Memorial Day". United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Archived from the original on May 27, 2010. Retrieved May 28, 2010.
  3. ^ 36 United statesC. § 116
  4. ^ Yan, Holly (May 26, 2016). "Memorial Twenty-four hour period 2016: What you need to know". CNN . Retrieved May 31, 2016.
  5. ^ Kickler, Sarah (May 28, 2012). "Memorial Day vs. Veterans Twenty-four hours". Retrieved Apr 7, 2014.
  6. ^ "Memorial Day History". U.S. Section of Veterans' Affairs . Retrieved October 30, 2019.
  7. ^ "The Centre for Civil War Research". world wide
  8. ^ Mary L'Hommedieu Gardiner (1842). "The Ladies Garland". J. Libby. p. 296. Retrieved May 31, 2014 – via Google Books.
  9. ^ In 1817, for example, a writer in the Analectic Magazine of Philadelphia urged the decoration of patriot's graves. East.J., "The Soldier's Grave," in The Analectic Mag (1817), Vol. 10, 264.
  10. ^ a b c d e f Bellware, Daniel (2014). The Genesis of the Memorial Day holiday in America. ISBN9780692292259. OCLC 898066352.
  11. ^ "Today in History – May 30 – Memorial Mean solar day". U.s. Library of Congress. Archived from the original on May 25, 2019. Retrieved May 28, 2019.
  12. ^ a b University of Michigan; EBSCO Publishing (Business firm) (2000). America, history and life. Clio Printing. p. 190.
  13. ^ a b Karen L. Cox (2003). Dixie's Daughters: The United Daughters of the Confederacy and the Preservation of Confederate Culture. Universbuttse Memorial 24-hour interval. ISBN978-0813031330.
  14. ^ "Times-Dispatch". July 15, 1906. Retrieved April vii, 2014.
  15. ^ Poland Jr., Charles P. The Glories Of War: Small Battle And Early Heroes Of 1861. Bloomington, IN (2006), 42.
  16. ^ "A Beautiful Tribute". The Weekly Sun. Baronial 5, 1862. Retrieved Oct 29, 2019.
  17. ^ "Mississippi Confederate Monument – Jackson, MS". . Retrieved October 30, 2019.
  18. ^ "The Origins of Memorial Twenty-four hours", May 25, 2018
  19. ^ Blight, David W. "Lecture: To Appomattox and Beyond: The Stop of the War and a Search for Meanings, Overview". Retrieved May 31, 2014. Professor Blight closes his lecture with a description of the outset Memorial Twenty-four hours, historic by African Americans in Charleston, SC 1865.
  20. ^ David Bane, cited by Campbell Robertson, "Birthplace of Memorial Twenty-four hour period? That Depends Where You're From," New York Times, May 28, 2012 – Bane quote from 2nd spider web page: "He has called that the starting time Memorial Day, as it predated most of the other contenders, though he said he has no evidence that information technology led to General Logan'south call for a national holiday."
  21. ^ a b National Park Service, "Flowers For Jennie" Retrieved February 24, 2015
  22. ^ Gallagher, Gary W.; Nolan, Alan T. (2000). The Myth of the Lost Crusade and Civil War History. Indiana Academy Printing. ISBN9780253109026 . Retrieved May 25, 2020 – via Google Books.
  23. ^ Johnson, Kristina Dunn (2009). No Holier Spot of Ground: Amalgamated Monuments & Cemeteries of South Carolina. Arcadia Publishing. ISBN9781614232827 . Retrieved May 25, 2020 – via Google Books.
  24. ^ Kammen, Michael (2011). Mystic Chords of Memory: The Transformation of Tradition in American Civilization. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. ISBN9780307761408 . Retrieved May 25, 2020 – via Google Books.
  25. ^ English, Tom. "A 'complicated' journey: The story of Logan and Memorial Twenty-four hours". The Southern . Retrieved May 25, 2020.
  26. ^ Logan, Mrs. John A. (1913). Mrs. Logan's Memoirs. p. 246. Retrieved April 7, 2014 – via
  27. ^ "Birthplace of Memorial Day? That Depends Where Y'all're From". The New York Times. May 27, 2012.
  28. ^ a b "Memorial Solar day's Roots Traced To Georgia" Michael Jones, Northwest Herald, May 23, 2015.
  29. ^ Brockell, Gillian (May 27, 2019). "Memorial Twenty-four hour period's Confederate Roots: Who Actually Invented the Holiday?". The Washington Post . Retrieved October 9, 2019.
  30. ^ Fallows, Deborah (May 23, 2014). "A Real Story of Memorial Day". The Atlantic . Retrieved January 21, 2020.
  31. ^ Adams, Volition (May 25, 2017). "Ornamentation Day & The Origins Of Memorial Mean solar day". RelicRecord . Retrieved January 21, 2020.
  32. ^ "Confederate Decoration Day Historical Marker". . Retrieved Jan 21, 2020.
  33. ^ "MSU library, Ole Miss anthropologist, local historian search for Union graves". The Clarion Ledger . Retrieved January 21, 2020.
  34. ^ "Lincoln'southward Message to Today," Trenton (NJ) Evening Times, May 30, 1913.
  35. ^ Lloyd, Lewis (1941). Myths Afterward Lincoln. New York: Press of the Readers Club. pp. 309–x. [ ISBN missing ]
  36. ^ "Sophie Keller Hall, in The Story of Our Regiment: A History of the 148th Pennsylvania Vols., ed. J.W. Muffly (Des Moines: The Kenyon Printing & Mfg. Co., 1904), quoted in editor's annotation, p. 45". Retrieved May 28, 2012.
  37. ^ "Boalsburg, PA, birthplace of Memorial Twenty-four hour period". March 26, 1997.
  38. ^ Muffly, J. W. (Joseph Wendel) (1904). The story of our Regiment : a history of the 148th Pennsylvania Vols. Butternut and Blue. ISBN0935523391. OCLC 33463683.
  39. ^ Flynn, Michael (2010). "Boalsburg and the Origin of Memorial Mean solar day". Pennsylvania Middle for the Book . Retrieved October 30, 2019.
  40. ^ a b Alan Jabbour; Karen Singer Jabbour (2010). Ornamentation Mean solar day in the Mountains: Traditions of Cemetery Decoration in the Southern Appalachians. Univ of Due north Carolina Printing. p. 125. ISBN978-0-8078-3397-ane . Retrieved May 28, 2012.
  41. ^ P. Michael Jones, Daniel Bellware, and Richard Gardiner (Spring–Summer 2018). "The Emergence and Evolution of Memorial Day". Journal of America's Military Past. 43–two (137): 19–37. Retrieved May 25, 2020. {{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  42. ^ Logan, Mrs. John A. (1913). General John Logan, quoted past his married woman . Retrieved April 7, 2014 – via
  43. ^ "A Complicated Journey: The Story of Logan and Memorial Day" Tom English, The Southern Illinoisian, May 22, 2015
  44. ^ Halstead, Marilyn. "Did Logan commencement Memorial Solar day? Logan museum director invites visitors to decide".
  45. ^ WTOP (May 25, 2018). "The forgotten history of Memorial Twenty-four hours".
  46. ^ Bane (2004), pp. 99–100
  47. ^ Cohen, Hennig; Coffin, Tristram Potter (1991). The Folklore of American holidays. p. 215. ISBN978-0810376021 – via Gale Research.
  48. ^ "Barack Obama, Weekly Address" (transcript). May 29, 2010. Retrieved April 7, 2014 – via National Athenaeum.
  49. ^ "Interments in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Cemeteries" (PDF). Washington, DC: National Cemetery Administration – Section of Veterans Affairs VA-NCA-IS-1. January 2011. Later on the Civil State of war, search and recovery teams visited hundreds of battlefields, churchyards, plantations and other locations seeking wartime interments that were made in haste. By 1870, the remains of well-nigh 300,000 Civil State of war expressionless were reinterred in 73 national cemeteries.
  50. ^ Johnson, Lyndon. "Presidential Annunciation 3727". Retrieved May 27, 2013.
  51. ^ "The origin of Memorial Day: Is Waterloo'due south claim to fame the issue of a simple paper typo?"
  52. ^ Joan Waugh; Gary W. Gallagher (2009). Wars Inside a State of war: Controversy and Conflict Over the American Ceremonious War. Univ of North Carolina Printing. p. 187. ISBN978-0-8078-3275-two.
  53. ^ Stuart McConnell (1997). Glorious Contentment: The G Army of the Commonwealth, 1865–1900 p. 184.[ ISBN missing ]
  54. ^ Gardiner and Bellware, p. 87
  55. ^ Lucian Lamar Knight (1914). Memorial Solar day: Its True History . Retrieved May 28, 2012 – via
  56. ^ a b c "Confederate Memorial Day in Georgia". GeorgiaInfo. University of Georgia. Retrieved January 22, 2019.
  57. ^ Bane (2001), Race and Reunion, pp. 272–73
  58. ^ David W. Blight (2001). Race and Reunion: The Civil State of war in American Memory. Harvard U.P. p. 265. ISBN978-0674022096.
  59. ^ Nicholas W. Sacco, "The Grand Regular army of the Republic, the Indianapolis 500, and the Struggle for Memorial Day in Indiana, 1868–1923." Indiana Magazine of History 111.4 (2015): 349–380, at p. 352
  60. ^ Samito, Christian G. (2009). Becoming American Nether Burn: Irish gaelic Americans, African Americans, and the Politics of Citizenship During the Civil War Era . Cornell Academy Press. p. 126. ISBN978-0-8014-4846-1 . Retrieved May 25, 2014.
  61. ^ G. Allan Yeomans, "A Southern Segregationist Goes to Gettysburg," Alabama Historical Quarterly (1972) 34#three pp. 194–205.
  62. ^ Henry Perkins Goddard; Calvin Goddard Zon (2008). The Practiced Fight That Didn't Cease: Henry P. Goddard's Accounts of Civil War and Peace . Univ of South Carolina Press. p. 285. ISBN978-1-57003-772-6.
  63. ^ Alan Axelrod (2007). Miracle at Belleau Woods: The Birth of the Modern U.Southward. Marine Corps. World Pequot. p. 233. ISBN978-1-59921-025-4.
  64. ^ a b "Public Law 90-363". Retrieved Apr 7, 2014.
  65. ^ Sacco, p. 362
  66. ^ Sacco, p. 376
  67. ^ Mechant, David (April 28, 2007). "Memorial Day History". Archived from the original on November one, 2018. Retrieved May 28, 2010.
  68. ^ Scott, Ryan (May 24, 2015). "Memorial Mean solar day, 3 p.thousand.: Don't Forget". Forbes . Retrieved June ii, 2015.
  69. ^ Peggy Post; Anna Post; Lizzie Post; Daniel Postal service Senning (2011). Emily Post'southward Etiquette, xviii. HarperCollins. p. 165. ISBN978-0-06-210127-3.
  70. ^ Congress (2009). United states Lawmaking, 2006, Supplement ane, Jan four, 2007, to January 8, 2008. Authorities Printing Function. p. 39. ISBN978-0-16-083512-four.
  71. ^ "The National Memorial Twenty-four hours Concert", May 25, 2018
  72. ^ William H. Swatos; Peter Kivisto (1998). Encyclopedia of Religion and Guild. Rowman Altamira. pp. 49–l. ISBN978-0-7619-8956-1.
  73. ^ Marcela Cristi (2001). From Civil to Political Religion: The Intersection of Culture, Religion and Politics. Wilfrid Laurier U.P. pp. 48–53. ISBN978-0-88920-368-half dozen.
  74. ^ William Thousand. Epstein (2002). American Policy Making: Welfare As Ritual. Rowman & Littlefield. p. 99. ISBN978-0-7425-1733-two.
  75. ^ Corwin Due east. Smidt; Lyman A. Kellstedt; James 50. Guth (2009). The Oxford Handbook of Religion and American Politics. Oxford Handbooks Online. pp. 142–143. ISBN978-0-nineteen-532652-9.
  76. ^ Robert N. Bellah, "Civil Religion in America", Daedalus 1967 96(1): 1–21.
  77. ^ Knapp, Aaron. "Rochester commemorates fallen soldiers in 150th Memorial Day parade". Periodical Times . Retrieved June 1, 2017.
  78. ^ says, Lisa (May 29, 2011). "Doylestown Hosts Oldest Memorial 24-hour interval Parade In The Country". Retrieved June 1, 2017.
  79. ^ Spencer C. Tucker (October 28, 2014). World War I: The Definitive Encyclopedia and Certificate Drove [5 volumes]: The Definitive Encyclopedia and Document Collection. ABC-CLIO. pp. 1061–. ISBN978-1-85109-965-8.
  80. ^ "Where did the thought to sell poppies come from?". BBC News. Nov ten, 2006. Retrieved February eighteen, 2009.
  81. ^ a b Jabbour, Alan (May 27, 2010). "What is Decoration Day?". Academy of Northward Carolina Blog. Archived from the original on May 22, 2013. Retrieved May 27, 2019.
  82. ^ "Decoration Day". Encyclopedia of Alabama. Archived from the original on Oct 6, 2018. Retrieved May 31, 2019.
  83. ^ Hooker, Elizabeth R. (1933). Organized religion in the Highlands: Native Churches and Missionary Enterprises in the Southern Appalachian Area. New York: Home Mission Council. p. 125.
  84. ^ Meyer, Richard East. American Folklore: An Encyclopedia – Cemeteries. pp. 132–34. [ ISBN missing ]
  85. ^ Finch, Francis (1867). "Blue and the Gray". civilwarhome.
  86. ^ Anania, Michael (1994). "Memorial Solar day". PoetryFoundation.
  87. ^ Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. "Memorial Day". The Atlantic.

Further reading [edit]

  • Albanese, Catherine. "Requiem for Memorial Day: Dissent in the Redeemer Nation", American Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 4 (Oct. 1974), pp. 386–98 in JSTOR
  • Bellah, Robert N. "Civil Organized religion in America". Daedalus 1967 96(ane): 1–21. online edition
  • Bellware, Daniel, and Richard Gardiner, The Genesis of the Memorial Day Holiday in America (Columbus Country University, 2014).
  • Blight, David Westward. "Ornamentation Day: The Origins of Memorial 24-hour interval in Due north and S" in Alice Fahs and Joan Waugh, eds. The Memory of the Civil War in American Culture (2004), online edition pp. 94–129; the standard scholarly history
  • Blight, David W. Race and Reunion: The Ceremonious War in American Retentivity (2000) ch. 3, "Decorations" excerpt and text search
  • Buck, Paul H. The Route to Reunion, 1865–1900 (1937)[ ISBN missing ]
  • Ruby, Conrad. "Ii American Sacred Ceremonies: Their Implications for the Written report of Religion in America", American Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. four (Wintertime, 1969), pp. 739–54 in JSTOR
  • Dennis, Matthew. Red, White, and Blue Letter Days: An American Calendar (2002)[ ISBN missing ]
  • Jabbour, Alan, and Karen Singer Jabbour. Decoration Day in the Mountains: Traditions of Cemetery Decoration in the Southern Appalachians (Academy of N Carolina Press; 2010)[ ISBN missing ]
  • Myers, Robert J. "Memorial Mean solar day". Chapter 24 in Celebrations: The Complete Volume of American Holidays. (1972)[ ISBN missing ]
  • Robert Haven Schauffler (1911). Memorial Solar day: Its Celebration, Spirit, and Significance equally Related in Prose and Verse, with a Non-exclusive Anthology of the Civil War. BiblioBazaar reprint 2010. ISBN9781176839045.

External links [edit]

  • 36 USC 116. Memorial Day (designation law)
  • United States Department of Veterans Affairs
  • National Moment of Remembrance Dwelling house Folio
  • National Memorial Solar day Museum website
  • National Memorial Day Concert site
  • The History of Memorial Solar day
  • Memorial Day celebration suggestions, 1898

Why Was Memorial Day Initially Called Decoration Day?,


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